Hi. I’m a writer, researcher, and community all-arounder working toward better networks for human sociability and collective survival.

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Some recent posts:

Untangling ThreadsMeta's Threads service is joining the Fediverse, and I think there are some things about Meta—and about Fediverse mechanics—that it's important to include in that conversation. 21 December 2023

Root & BranchWho should do the heavy, tricky, fraught work of making and keeping our networks good? How should they work? To whom should they be accountable, and how can “accountability” be redeemed from its dissipated state and turned into something with both teeth and discretion? 6 December 2023

Meta in Myanmar (full series)The landing page for the full series on Meta in Myanmar. 16 October 2023

Meta in Myanmar, Part IV: Only ConnectWhy I think Meta's failings in Myanmar should be widely known and understood, and why they should keep the people working on new and alternative networks up at night. 13 October 2023

Meta in Myanmar, Part III: The Inside ViewWhistleblower disclosures and investigative reporting have revealed a lot about what was happening—and what was known—inside Meta during the lead-up to the genocide in Myanmar, including a connection to a global wave of fake-page networks devoted to manipulation and political misinformation. 6 October 2023